Current Work

From Biowikifarm Metawiki
Revision as of 21:44, 19 April 2010 by Gregor Hagedorn (Talk | contribs) (Ontology work and linked data)

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Not working: ETI sample data (in-wiki), ETI SDD full screen

Quick links

New Wiki setup

Test configs (Workbench Portal, Main version already active) waiting for virtual host to be activated in DNS:

All virtual hosts have a forwarding index.html. Enumeratio, Scholz, SmutBase no longer installed, better integrated into a phytomed or other wiki.

wmf wikis

for testing the indexing extension:


See NaviKey

Uncompleted work

  • OpenID!
  • autoconfirm of accounts does not work yet (mailer returned error)
  • Insert Char:
    • Phytomed wiki is working ok with a fairly straightforward CharInsert solution; see the Debian Install page for further information
    • English phytopathology is not working, the was created, but is not called yet. Place where the JavaScript is bound needs to be found!

Image uploading and handling

The real images are behind a special folder distribution mechanism, based on a MD5 hash of the filename. For an image example.jpg, Both Media:example.jpg, File:example.jpg, and Image:example.jpg (obsolete) will return the metadata page, not the image itself. DOES THE WIKI has no native mechanism for a short URL to the image itself?

Mediawiki has an internal function that provides this: {{filepath:file name}}. However, the issue is calling an image from outside (Navikey, IBIS-ID) by name...

Perhaps create a small extension that does this? In PHP inside mediawiki, the following may work:

$url = wfFindFile(Title::makeTitle(NS_IMAGE, $fileName))->getURL();

Image uploading:

Ontology work and linked data

Testing Wikipage names