Biowikifarm Metawiki:Service configuration
The service presently runs on a Debian Linux server hosted as a XEN virtual machine. The software setup of the server is documented (Software documentation overview, Specific Debian installations).
The minimal cost for a service sponsor occurs when the virtual machine can be directly restored, avoiding a reconfiguration of the entire server. This can be achieved by configuring a XEN Server host, restore the virtual machine to it, reconfigure network interfaces and DNS entries and restart the service. The time needed for this is estimated as half a working day. If a XEN server host is not available and cannot be set up, additional time is required for a complete reconfiguration (about two working days).
Current biowikifarm server hardware is documented here. The minimum current hardware use is presently lower, amounting only to 2 processors, 2 GB RAM and 200 GB Harddisk. Future hardware requirements may change, and could include including separating database, apache/php, and proxy cache servers. Some service providers may therefore limit their commitment to a specified amount of resources; see Ownership and sponsors for further information.