Exporting VM with XenCenter

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This operating procedure describes export of a Xen Virtual Machine using the biowikifarm setup and XenCenter 6.0.

(Note: should XenCenter fail to connect with the servers, check XenCenter proxy settings!)

  1. Open the secured VPN into the FU (Citrix)
  2. Open a RDP to the .59 management VM. Although a local XenCenter can be used in principle, this is sensitive to network interruptions and therefore not recommended.
  3. Open XenCenter on the remote machine
  4. If not yet done, briefly stop the VM to be exported and create a copy of it using Fast Copy. This usually takes only 1-2 Minutes.
  5. Make sure that the .41 IP is free (may require stopping a VM on the old XenServer!)
  6. Now right-click on the VM and select "Export".
  7. In the export dialog:
    1. Location to export is X:\, Format OVF/OVA
    2. Advanced Options: Compression: Yes, Network settings MANUAL (sic!):, mask, gateway
    3. Note: At the start of 2013, the export of the biowikifarm would take about 15 h (compressed, with verification)
  8. To reduce the size of transfer units (despite resume functionality, huge files may occasionally fail, perhaps when the dynamic IP is changed over night) and further compress, we typically use 7-zip, with a small package size 0.7-4 GB).