K2N Digital Object Model in conformity with Fedora Content Model Architecture
From Biowikifarm Metawiki
K2N compliant digital object model for Fedora Repository
Currently, three types of data objects are used:
- Media Objects (i.e. images, videos, translations and transcriptions, audio files).
- All metadata are expressed with relationships in the RELS-EXT datastream.
- Provider Objects - a logical object for metadata providers;
- Collection Objects :
- real or virtual collection (aggregation).
- Can be aggregated in another Collection Object.
- The datastreams are used to retrieve all or subsets of members:
- metadata for aggregation
- rules specific to the collection
Possible relationships:
- All metadata describing an object are part of RELS-EXT datastream. This way the further using of SPARQL, the Internet semantic query language, could be feasible.
- K2N Media Object “isMemberOf” in many Collection Objects.
- K2N Media Object have “service ProvidedBy” Provider Objects.
- Collection Objects can be children of other Collection Objects, where appropriate.
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