Interwiki and Interlanguage Links
How manage interwiki language links between Biowikifarms mediawikis ?
The interwiki table is shared between the different mediawiki installations, there are two links named "fr" and "en". For now (04-06-2014), these links use the url of plantnet ($1 and$1). Then, if you put a language link into your wiki, it will use the interwiki link for plantnet.
To solve the problem, we need to use different interwiki tables for each mediawiki where you'll put the correct language interwiki links.
In CommonSettings by default, we make the interwiki table global (i.e. the table that really belongs to metawiki is used by all wikis, which then ignore their local table). See$wgSharedTables
How to fix
Copy the $wgSharedTables from commonsettings into localsettings, AFTER the commonsettings inclusion. Then remove the interwiki table name from the values of $wgSharedTables in LocalSettings. Now this wiki will use its own table and no longer use the metawiki one.
Now you can set the interwiki language links locally.