From Biowikifarm Metawiki
Revision as of 00:04, 24 August 2016 by Andreas Plank (Talk | contribs)
Configuration briefly:
- set up $wgConf something like that, needs maybe some improvements. TODO suffixes
# needed at least for openMedia to display global usage
$wgProto = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? 'https' : 'http';
$wgConf->settings = array(
'wgSitename' => array(
'ispiwiki' => 'Pestinfo-Wiki',
'onwiki' => 'Offene Naturführer',
'openmedia' => 'OpenMedia',
'wgLanguageCode' => array(
'default' => 'en',
'onwiki' => 'de-formal',
'wgServer' => array(
'ispiwiki' => $wgProto.'://wiki.pestinfo.org',
'onwiki' => $wgProto.'://offene-naturfuehrer.de',
'openmedia' => $wgProto.'://species-id.net',
'wgCanonicalServer' => array(
'ispiwiki' => $wgProto.'://wiki.pestinfo.org',
'onwiki' => $wgProto.'://offene-naturfuehrer.de',
'openmedia' => $wgProto.'://species-id.net',
'wgScriptPath' => array(
'ispiwiki' => '/w',
'onwiki' => '/w',
'openmedia' => '/o',
'wgArticlePath' => array(
'ispiwiki' => '/wiki/$1',
'onwiki' => '/web/$1',
'openmedia' => '/openmedia/$1',
$wgLocalDatabases = array(
$wgConf->wikis = $wgLocalDatabases;
* $wgConf->suffixes
* AP 2016-08-23: not clear to me how suffixes need to be set and what's the relation to the
* configuration setup. They are relevant in SiteConfiguration::siteFromDB() to get global usage display or format external links
* in a global setup
* TODO openmedia does not properly show up, e.g. http://species-id.net/openmedia/File:Crystal_Clear_action_find.png
$wgConf->suffixes = array('wiki');
$wgConf->extractAllGlobals( $wgDBname );
- set up
extension in shared repo wiki as well as on child wiki:
require_once "$IP/extensions/GlobalUsage/GlobalUsage.php";
$wgGlobalUsageDatabase = 'openmedia';
$wgGlobalUsageSharedRepoWiki = 'openmedia'; // undocumented. needed?
/* add or delete links to the parent wiki when a file in a child wiki was inserted or removed */
$wgGlobalUsagePurgeBacklinks = true;
in child Wiki
sudo -u www-data php ./maintenance/update.php --dbuser wikiadmin --quick --conf ./LocalSettings.php
sudo -u www-data php ./extensions/GlobalUsage/refreshGlobalimagelinks.php --dbuser wikiadmin --pages existing --conf ./LocalSettings.php
sudo -u www-data php ./extensions/GlobalUsage/refreshGlobalimagelinks.php --dbuser wikiadmin --pages nonexisting --conf ./LocalSettings.php