Test Wiki

From Biowikifarm Metawiki
Revision as of 15:17, 2 February 2016 by Andreas Plank (Talk | contribs) (simple + rich featurs)

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The Test Wiki provides a location in the biowikifarm to experiment with different wiki features, formats and extensions.

Setup notes

The wikis have two set ups as follows:

/usr/share/mediawiki26                      /var/www/testwiki
├── extensions-simple-features/          -> ├── extensions/        
├── vendor-simple-features/              -> ├── vendor/            
├── composer-simple-features.json        -> ├── composer.json      
├── composer-simple-features.local.json  -> ├── composer.local.json (manage composer extensions here!!)
└── composer-simple-features.lock        -> └── composer.lock      

/usr/share/mediawiki26                      /var/www/testwiki2
├── extensions-rich-features/            -> ├── extensions/        
├── vendor-rich-features/                -> ├── vendor/            
├── composer-rich-features.json          -> ├── composer.json      
├── composer-rich-features.local.json    -> ├── composer.local.json (manage composer extensions here!!)
└── composer-rich-features.lock          -> └── composer.lock      

The MySQL 5.0 database is named "testwiki", "testwiki2".






Necessary Feature Checks

Task to Test Extension Notes, Comments
Login, Logout, Registration
  • good idea is to use a copy of data base metadata to test registrations
  • test thumbnail creation
E-Mail Forum
E-Mail features
  • E-Mail Wiki
  • Edit password
Templates Decisionkeys (Key Start)
  • Extension:MobileKeyV1
  • Extension:MobileKeyV2
JavaScript (none)
Page handling Core
  • move, delete, redirect, create page

Version Deprecations

Version MediaWiki Obsolete Extension Extension Substitute
≥ 1.24 Extension:OggHandler Extension:TimedMediaHandler
≥ 1.23 Extension:LiquidThreads Extension:Flow