Extension:EmailToWiki/get EmailToWiki to extensions wmf-shared.sh
From Biowikifarm Metawiki
< Extension:EmailToWiki
Revision as of 15:44, 27 January 2016 by Andreas Plank (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> #!/bin/bash ###################################################### # Warning: run this only as script not as # copy and paste in console!! #####...")
# Warning: run this only as script not as
# copy and paste in console!!
# get external https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:EmailToWiki
if ! [[ -d ~"/temp" ]] ; then
echo "# Extension:EmailToWiki: create ~/temp"
mkdir --parents ~"/temp"
echo "# Extension:EmailToWiki: download https://github.com/OrganicDesign/extensions/archive/master.zip"
cd ~/temp && wget https://github.com/OrganicDesign/extensions/archive/master.zip --output-document=OrganicDesign_extensions_master.zip
echo "# Extension:EmailToWiki: unzip OrganicDesign_extensions_master.zip"
unzip OrganicDesign_extensions_master.zip
if [[ -d ~/temp/extensions-master/MediaWiki/EmailToWiki/ ]] ; then
cd ~/temp/extensions-master/MediaWiki/EmailToWiki/
echo "# Extension:EmailToWiki: add README.biowikifarm to extension"
echo "###################################" > README.biowikifarm
echo "# This is a non MediaWiki extension see: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:EmailToWiki#Installation" >> README.biowikifarm
echo "# It was downloaded and extracted manually via wget https://github.com/OrganicDesign/extensions/archive/master.zip " >> README.biowikifarm
echo "# wget https://github.com/OrganicDesign/extensions/archive/master.zip " >> README.biowikifarm
echo "# and copied manually to this shared wiki directory. If this extension does not function properly after setup" >> README.biowikifarm
echo "# deactivate and remove it. (AP 2015-12-16)" >> README.biowikifarm
echo "# Extension:EmailToWiki: copy ~/temp/extensions-master/MediaWiki/EmailToWiki to ${usr_share_extension_path}"
sudo -u www-data -g www-data cp --recursive ~/temp/extensions-master/MediaWiki/EmailToWiki "${usr_share_extension_path}"
unzip -l OrganicDesign_extensions_master.zip | grep --ignore-case 'emailTowiki'
echo "# Extension:EmailToWiki: structure of ZIP archive is different from expected"
echo "# Extension:EmailToWiki: check above (skipped copy extension)"