User:Alvaro Ortiz-Troncoso/Draft Create a new mediawiki instance
As more wikis are needed it would be nice to have a scriptable method to create new wiki instances. This page documents creating a wiki by hand in such a way that it would be feasable to automatize the steps in a script. Possible usages for a script would be:
- Installing an instance with a different version of mediawiki.
- delegate wiki installation to wiki administartors (provide a UI)
See also: Create_a_new_mediawiki_instance (using a template and a database dump).
Prepare a new wiki instance directory
Create a new directory in /var/www for the wiki installation.
mkdir /var/www/new_wiki cd /var/www/new_wiki
Link the maintenance directory from the common wiki installation
ln -s /usr/share/mediawiki20/maintenance maintenance
Run the installer php ./maintenance/install.php
with the following options
- --dbuser
- Database user
- --dbpass
- Database user password
- --confpath
- Path to where the LocalSettings.php shall be stored
- --dbname
- Name of the database to be created
- --pass
- Wiki administrator password
- --scriptpath
- Path to the wiki files, relative to /var/www
- <name>: The name of the wiki
- <admin>: The username of the wiki administrator (WikiSysop)
php ./maintenance/install.php --dbuser <dbuser> --dbpass <dbpass> --confpath <confpath> --dbname <dbname> --pass <pass> --scriptpath <scriptpath> <name> <admin>
Create local configuration file
Biowikifarm uses a shared configuration which is in stored in MediaWikiCommonSettings.php directly in the www-root. To create configuration for an individual wiki on biowikifarm, you need to create a file LocalSettings.php in the wiki's directory. For a a minmalistic configuration, set these variables in LocalSettings.php:
- $wgSitename
- Name that appears on the wiki pages, e.g. "My Wiki"
- $wgScriptPath
- URL base path to folder containing the wiki; relative to /var/www. Defaults for all runtime URL paths are based off of this, e.g. "/mywiki"
- $wgArticlePath
- Virtual path. This directory MUST be different from the one used in $wgScriptPath, e.g. "/mywiki/$1"
- $wgDBname
- Name of the database where this wiki stores its contents, e.g. "mywiki"
- $wgLanguageCode
- Language to use for the interface, e.g. "en"
- $wgSecretKey
- A 64-character random string, e.g. the output of "openssl rand -hex 32"
<?php $IP = dirname( __FILE__ ); $wgSitename = ""; $wgScriptPath = ""; $wgArticlePath = ""; $wgUsePathInfo = true; $wgDBname = ""; $wgLanguageCode = ""; $wgSecretKey = ""; $wgDefaultSkin = 'vector'; #INCLUDING COMMON SETTINGS: include_once("$IP/../MediaWikiCommonSettings.php"); include_once("$IP/../MediaWiki_NonDevSettings.php");
There are of course many more available settings.
Link to common files and directories
Define the path to the base Mediawiki installation (scope is restricted to this shell)
(Soft-) Link folders and files to the common mediawiki installation:
# Main web entry point for MediaWiki ln -s $MWPATH/index.php index.php ln -s $MWPATH/index.php5 index.php5 # Stub file for compatibility with older versions ln -s $MWPATH/wiki.phtml wiki.phtml # Entry point for API queries ln -s $MWPATH/api.php api.php ln -s $MWPATH/api.php5 api5.php # PHP script to be used as 404 handler to create and stream out a # not yet existing image thumbnail. ln -s $MWPATH/thumb_handler.php5 thumb_handler.php5 # PHP script to stream out an image thumbnail. ln -s $MWPATH/thumb.php thumb.php ln -s $MWPATH/thumb.php5 thumb.php5 # Image authorisation script ln -s $MWPATH/img_auth.php img_auth.php ln -s $MWPATH/img_auth.php5 img_auth.php5 # Entry point for the resource loader. ln -s $MWPATH/load.php load.php ln -s $MWPATH/load.php5 load.php5 # Entry point for the search API ln -s $MWPATH/opensearch_desc.php5 opensearch_desc.php5 # Script that redirects to the article passed in the "wpDropdown" parameter. # This is used by the nostalgia skin for the special pages drop-down ln -s $MWPATH/redirect.php redirect.php ln -s $MWPATH/redirect.php5 redirect.php5 ln -s $MWPATH/redirect.phtml redirect.phtml # Directoriess equiered by Mediawiki ln -s $MWPATH/bin bin ln -s $MWPATH/docs docs ln -s $MWPATH/extensions extensions ln -s $MWPATH/includes includes ln -s $MWPATH/languages languages ln -s $MWPATH/maintenance maintenance ln -s $MWPATH/resources resources ln -s $MWPATH/serialized serialized ln -s $MWPATH/skins skins
Create local directories
Make sure the right directotry is used
cd /var/www/new_wiki
Create the cache directory and make it writable for the web server
mkdir cache chown www-data:www-data cache
If media are stored locally, create the media directory and make it writable for the web server
mkdir media chown www-data:www-data media