
From Biowikifarm Metawiki
Revision as of 21:47, 12 December 2012 by WikiSysop (Talk | contribs)

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All our wikis can be used with local accounts. However, it may be useful to use an OpenID login if you have one.

OpenID is a mechanism to log into multiple site with a single user name and password.

An important place to check is where you may find that you already have an openID from one of the services listed.


  • Gregor:
    • As of 2008-07, flickr did not seem to work yet.
    • Yahoo did, if you have an account, navigate to and enable it for use as openID. In my case only a user-chosen name did work ( Yahoo only support OpenID 2.0, some sites may yet support older OpenID versions (but our wikis support 2.0).
    • Google: Either create a blog for your account on (login with your google id) or go to and login once with your google id.

Documentation of the work in 2012, reenabling

sudo apt-get install php5-gmp # now also added to base php installation list, may thus not be necessary next time
cd /usr/share/mediawiki20/extensions/OpenID
sudo make
# adding to LocalSettings: require_once( "$IP/extensions/OpenID/OpenID.php" );
# run update to create a new DB table:
cd /var/www/testwiki_v20;        sudo -u www-data php ./maintenance/update.php  --quick --conf ./LocalSettings.php 

Edit and change text to "Use OpenID".

Presently running (Version 1.004 20120427)

Problem: Displays: "All users need a nickname; you can choose one from the options below." but only one option is available: "Username and account choice: An existing account on this wiki"

PERHAPS: phpinfo shows that gmp is missing???

General problem: OpenID does not allow verification through ConfirmAccount?

Memo: in all wikis, change (misleading message "You are encouraged to log in; however, it is not mandatory", problem already in 1.18: