Artenquiz documentation

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Revision as of 10:40, 3 January 2012 by Andreas Plank (Talk | contribs) (Change translations: +docu)

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(See also Django-Installation and Django at a glance)

The test version for Artenquiz is running under:

An admin interface for django users having a special admin account is available at:

Subversion directory is:

Folder structure

 ├ /apache  (redirect/URL settings) 
 ├ /artenbestimmung  (projects artenquiz + artenbestimmung) 
 ·   /accounts  (backend for user_name or email login) 
 ·   /artenquiz
 ·     /management
 ·       /commands  (various import tools) 
 ·        USAGE: 
 ·          cd /path-to/artenbestimmung  
 ·          python help importtaxa  
 ·          python importtaxa /path-to/datafile.csv 
 ·     /templatetags  (custom tags used in templates) 
 ·     /static  (static CSS styles, JavaScript files, icons) 
 ·     /tools  (python script tools) 
 ·   /local  (generated localization files and defined English translations) 
 ·   /register  (definitions of registration) 
 ·   /report  (simple reports of descriptions for admins) 
 ·   /templates  (all django XHTML-templates) 
 ├ /data  (data for import) 
 └ /doc  (python + django documentation as freemind-mind-map; current database schema)

Create a new project

You can start a django app by:

  cd my-dj-project-folder help startapp startapp my-app-folder 
  # a it needs always!!!!

To let a django application get to work, you need (in general) the following files:   (a 0Byte file needed by python)  (URL pattern definitions)  (data-model definitions)  (view layer: form request definitions, form processing) 
mytemplate.html  (a template to process, see also admin/doc/) 

Change translations


<!-- in /templates/mytemplate.html -->
  {% trans "Short localised message" %}
  {% blocktrans %}Localised message 
  spanning multiple lines{% endblocktrans %}
<!-- in /templates/mytemplate.html -->


# move to base directory of artenquiz app 
cd /artenquiz/django/artenbestimmung help makemessages # show the help makemessages --no-wrap -l de --extension='.html,.txt' && makemessages  --no-wrap -l en --extension='.html,.txt'

(3) Add translations at least in

  • /artenbestimmung/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
  • note that #, fuzzy becomes not translated, you may remove it and make sure you have an exact msgid or change it to #, use-fuzzy (?undocumented hack? because msgfmt has msgfmt --use-fuzzy)


# move to base directory of artenquiz app 
cd /artenquiz/django/artenbestimmung compilemessages

(5) (eventually) restart the server

sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -k graceful # or not graceful: sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -k restart