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Flag icon en.png
Resource Collection: Frogs and Toads of Slovenia (PMSL)
Audio CD represent sounds of 13 frog species, one insect and two birds. Includes explanatory notes in a 16-page booklet. Total playing time 61' 50".

Creators: Tomi Trilar
Copyright Statement: (c) Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2003
License Statement: Individual licenses may be purchased through bookstores. Licence to use the recordings from CD must be individually negotiated.
Common Geoarea Name: (deprecated, please use World Region instead!) Slovenia
Country Codes: SI
General Keywords: Sound recordings
Taxonomic Coverage: Amphibia; Insecta; Aves
Scientific Names: Bombina variegata •  Bombina bombina •  Pelobates fuscus •  Bufo bufo •  Bufo viridis •  Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa •  Locustella luscinoides •  Caprimulgus europaeus •  Hyla arborea •  Rana temporaria •  Rana arvalis •  Rana dalmatina •  Rana latastei •  Rana (Pelophylax) ridibunda •  Rana (Pelophylax) kl. esculenta •  Rana (Pelophylax) lessonae
LanguageEnglish (en)
Resource ID(Resource IDs are urgently requested!)
Metadata ManagerTomi Trilar
Taxon Count16
URIs: Homepage
— Provided by: Slovenian Museum of Natural History (PMSL)
Flag icon en.png
Yellow-bellied Toad (Bombina variegata)
Male advertisement call. In the background are calling Gryllus campestris, Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa, another Bombina variegata and Hyla arborea.
Creation Technique: Recorded in natural conditions

Creators: Tomi Trilar
Copyright Statement: (c) Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2003
License Statement: Individual licenses may be purchased through bookstores. Licence to use the recordings from CD must be individually negotiated.
World Region: Slovenia
Country Codes: SI
Locality: Ljubljansko barje: Ig, Mostišče
Subject Category: Amphibians (Amphibia)
General Keywords: Sound recording
Setting: Natural
Taxonomic Coverage: Amphibia
Scientific Names: Bombina variegata
Common Names: Yellow-bellied Toad
Published Source: digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2
LanguageEnglish (en)
Original Creation Date1997-05-12
Digitization Date2003-12-15
Resource IDID-01
Metadata CreatorTomi Trilar
Metadata ManagerTomi Trilar
Taxon Count1
URIs: [digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2 Best Quality] '<empty value>' is no recognized resource availability. Valid values are: "online (free)", "online (portal)", "online (login)", "unpublished (digital)", "published (digital)", "unpublished", "published".
— Collection: Frogs and Toads of Slovenia (PMSL) — Provided by: Slovenian Museum of Natural History (PMSL)
Flag icon en.png
Yellow-bellied Toad (Bombina variegata)
Alternation of two males (antiphonal calling). Gryllus campestris, Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa, Vanellus vanellus and Hyla arborea can be heard in the background.
Creation Technique: Recorded in natural conditions

Creators: Tomi Trilar
Copyright Statement: (c) Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2003
License Statement: Individual licenses may be purchased through bookstores. Licence to use the recordings from CD must be individually negotiated. Recordings on MediumQualityURI available under Creative Commons BY-NC-NO 3.0 Licence.
World Region: Slovenia
Country Codes: SI
Locality: Ljubljansko barje: Ig, Mostišče
Subject Category: Amphibians (Amphibia)
General Keywords: Sound recording
Setting: Natural
Taxonomic Coverage: Amphibia
Scientific Names: Bombina variegata
Common Names: Yellow-bellied Toad
Published Source: digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2
LanguageEnglish (en)
Original Creation Date1997-05-12
Digitization Date2003-12-15
Resource IDID-02
Metadata CreatorTomi Trilar
Metadata ManagerTomi Trilar
Taxon Count1
URIs: [digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2 Best Quality] '<empty value>' is no recognized resource availability. Valid values are: "online (free)", "online (portal)", "online (login)", "unpublished (digital)", "published (digital)", "unpublished", "published". • Medium Quality
— Collection: Frogs and Toads of Slovenia (PMSL) — Provided by: Slovenian Museum of Natural History (PMSL)
Flag icon en.png
Fire-bellied Toad (Bombina bombina)
Male advertisement call. Locustella naevia, Gryllus campestris, the buzzing of the insects and another Bombina bombina can be heard in the background. Also other birds are heard singing in the distance.
Creation Technique: Recorded in natural conditions

Creators: Tomi Trilar
Copyright Statement: (c) Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2003
License Statement: Individual licenses may be purchased through bookstores. Licence to use the recordings from CD must be individually negotiated.
World Region: Slovenia
Country Codes: SI
Locality: Muriša, luža 150 m V
Subject Category: Amphibians (Amphibia)
General Keywords: Sound recording
Setting: Natural
Taxonomic Coverage: Amphibia
Scientific Names: Bombina bombina
Common Names: Fire-bellied Toad
Published Source: digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2
LanguageEnglish (en)
Original Creation Date2001-05-22
Digitization Date2003-12-15
Resource IDID-03
Metadata CreatorTomi Trilar
Metadata ManagerTomi Trilar
Taxon Count1
URIs: [digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2 Best Quality] '<empty value>' is no recognized resource availability. Valid values are: "online (free)", "online (portal)", "online (login)", "unpublished (digital)", "published (digital)", "unpublished", "published".
— Collection: Frogs and Toads of Slovenia (PMSL) — Provided by: Slovenian Museum of Natural History (PMSL)
Flag icon en.png
Fire-bellied Toad (Bombina bombina)
The calls of three males. Heard in the background are: Gryllus campestris, Sylvia communis, the buzzing of the insects and Phasianus colchicus.
Creation Technique: Recorded in natural conditions

Creators: Tomi Trilar
Copyright Statement: (c) Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2003
License Statement: Individual licenses may be purchased through bookstores. Licence to use the recordings from CD must be individually negotiated.
World Region: Slovenia
Country Codes: SI
Locality: Muriša, luža 150 m V
Subject Category: Amphibians (Amphibia)
General Keywords: Sound recording
Setting: Natural
Taxonomic Coverage: Amphibia
Scientific Names: Bombina bombina
Common Names: Fire-bellied Toad
Published Source: digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2
LanguageEnglish (en)
Original Creation Date2001-05-22
Digitization Date2003-12-15
Resource IDID-04
Metadata CreatorTomi Trilar
Metadata ManagerTomi Trilar
Taxon Count1
URIs: [digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2 Best Quality] '<empty value>' is no recognized resource availability. Valid values are: "online (free)", "online (portal)", "online (login)", "unpublished (digital)", "published (digital)", "unpublished", "published".
— Collection: Frogs and Toads of Slovenia (PMSL) — Provided by: Slovenian Museum of Natural History (PMSL)
Flag icon en.png
Fire-bellied Toad (Bombina bombina)
A chorus of males. Gryllus campestris, Locustella naevia, the buzzing of the insects, Sylvia communis and Phasianus colchicus can be heard in the background.
Creation Technique: Recorded in natural conditions

Creators: Tomi Trilar
Copyright Statement: (c) Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2003
License Statement: Individual licenses may be purchased through bookstores. Licence to use the recordings from CD must be individually negotiated. Recordings on MediumQualityURI available under Creative Commons BY-NC-NO 3.0 Licence.
World Region: Slovenia
Country Codes: SI
Locality: Muriša, luža 150 m V
Subject Category: Amphibians (Amphibia)
General Keywords: Sound recording
Setting: Natural
Taxonomic Coverage: Amphibia
Scientific Names: Bombina bombina
Common Names: Fire-bellied Toad
Published Source: digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2
LanguageEnglish (en)
Original Creation Date2001-05-22
Digitization Date2003-12-15
Resource IDID-05
Metadata CreatorTomi Trilar
Metadata ManagerTomi Trilar
Taxon Count1
URIs: [digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2 Best Quality] '<empty value>' is no recognized resource availability. Valid values are: "online (free)", "online (portal)", "online (login)", "unpublished (digital)", "published (digital)", "unpublished", "published". • Medium Quality
— Collection: Frogs and Toads of Slovenia (PMSL) — Provided by: Slovenian Museum of Natural History (PMSL)
Flag icon en.png
Common Spade Foot Toad (Pelobates fuscus)
Advertisement call propagated underwater. Background noise contains rustling sound and frog movements near the microphone.
Creation Technique: Recorded in natural conditions

Creators: Tomi Trilar
Copyright Statement: (c) Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2003
License Statement: Individual licenses may be purchased through bookstores. Licence to use the recordings from CD must be individually negotiated. Recordings on MediumQualityURI available under Creative Commons BY-NC-NO 3.0 Licence.
World Region: Slovenia
Country Codes: SI
Locality: Veržej, ob reki Muri
Subject Category: Amphibians (Amphibia)
General Keywords: Sound recording
Setting: Natural
Taxonomic Coverage: Amphibia
Scientific Names: Pelobates fuscus
Common Names: Common Spade Foot Toad
Published Source: digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2
LanguageEnglish (en)
Original Creation Date2001-04-03
Digitization Date2003-12-15
Resource IDID-06
Metadata CreatorTomi Trilar
Metadata ManagerTomi Trilar
Taxon Count1
URIs: [digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2 Best Quality] '<empty value>' is no recognized resource availability. Valid values are: "online (free)", "online (portal)", "online (login)", "unpublished (digital)", "published (digital)", "unpublished", "published". • Medium Quality
— Collection: Frogs and Toads of Slovenia (PMSL) — Provided by: Slovenian Museum of Natural History (PMSL)
Flag icon en.png
Common Spade Foot Toad (Pelobates fuscus)
Alternating calls of two males calling underwater. Rustling sound is heard in the background.
Creation Technique: Recorded in natural conditions

Creators: Tomi Trilar
Copyright Statement: (c) Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2003
License Statement: Individual licenses may be purchased through bookstores. Licence to use the recordings from CD must be individually negotiated.
World Region: Slovenia
Country Codes: SI
Locality: Veržej, ob reki Muri
Subject Category: Amphibians (Amphibia)
General Keywords: Sound recording
Setting: Natural
Taxonomic Coverage: Amphibia
Scientific Names: Pelobates fuscus
Common Names: Common Spade Foot Toad
Published Source: digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2
LanguageEnglish (en)
Original Creation Date2001-04-03
Digitization Date2003-12-15
Resource IDID-07
Metadata CreatorTomi Trilar
Metadata ManagerTomi Trilar
Taxon Count1
URIs: [digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2 Best Quality] '<empty value>' is no recognized resource availability. Valid values are: "online (free)", "online (portal)", "online (login)", "unpublished (digital)", "published (digital)", "unpublished", "published".
— Collection: Frogs and Toads of Slovenia (PMSL) — Provided by: Slovenian Museum of Natural History (PMSL)
Flag icon en.png
Common Spade Foot Toad (Pelobates fuscus)
Chorus of males calling underwater. Rustling sound is heard in the background.
Creation Technique: Recorded in natural conditions

Creators: Tomi Trilar
Copyright Statement: (c) Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 2003
License Statement: Individual licenses may be purchased through bookstores. Licence to use the recordings from CD must be individually negotiated.
World Region: Slovenia
Country Codes: SI
Locality: Veržej, ob reki Muri
Subject Category: Amphibians (Amphibia)
General Keywords: Sound recording
Setting: Natural
Taxonomic Coverage: Amphibia
Scientific Names: Pelobates fuscus
Common Names: Common Spade Foot Toad
Published Source: digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2
LanguageEnglish (en)
Original Creation Date2001-04-03
Digitization Date2003-12-15
Resource IDID-08
Metadata CreatorTomi Trilar
Metadata ManagerTomi Trilar
Taxon Count1
URIs: [digitally-published://ISBN= 961-6367-07-2 Best Quality] '<empty value>' is no recognized resource availability. Valid values are: "online (free)", "online (portal)", "online (login)", "unpublished (digital)", "published (digital)", "unpublished", "published".
— Collection: Frogs and Toads of Slovenia (PMSL) — Provided by: Slovenian Museum of Natural History (PMSL)