Mobile Key

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Revision as of 08:36, 12 May 2010 by GiselaWeber (Talk | contribs) (Created page with 'Mobile Key is a Wiki extension with the purpose to export wiki keys as html pages for mobile applications, using the key data harvested by the extension [[Template Parameter Inde...')

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Mobile Key is a Wiki extension with the purpose to export wiki keys as html pages for mobile applications, using the key data harvested by the extension Template Parameter Index.

Wiki file resolver

One functionality of the Mobile Key extension, which can be used independently of mobile key developing, is a resolver for wiki file names (which may come from local or a variety of attached repositories). It offers the two functions: action=getMediaURL (return URL as string) and action=getMediaFile (directly resolve Media file).


The first returns a single string, which is the URL to the media file, setting MIME type to text, the second returns the binary media file, setting MIME type to image/xxx.