Upgrades and Changes

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The Semantic MediaWiki extension has been enabled (and is running) on the Media Wiki, Test Wiki, and the Pest Information Wiki.


The Debian system was upgraded from Debian 4 to Debian 4.


Configured specialmedia as second, non-free repository (for non-licensed logos etc.)


Created 4 new wikis: ispiwiki, specialmedia, french species-id, and potential french uses wiki.


German Naturwiki moved to new virtual host (v-onf) and new domains, see http://www.offene-naturfuehrer.de/w/index.php?title=Projektfortschritt&action=historysubmit&diff=3838&oldid=3807 for details. Php updated, cli and apache scripts left unchanged.


SVG handling now working! (fixed by Bob Morris): "apt-get install librsvg2-bin librsvg2-2"; because executable is named rsvg-convert, some special things had to be done ($wgSVGConverters = array( 'rsvg' => '/usr/bin/rsvg-convert -w $width -h $height -o $output $input'); $wgSVGConverter = 'rsvg' ; ([1]).


Normal file upload was not working since 25th, a javascipt progress box kicks in and prevents uploads. Updating to newest en.wikipedia rev. 59476, upload now possible. Problems with jquery no longer being made available. Modifying IdentificationTools extension to make sure jquery is being included. Upload working again.


  • trying to install svg support: > apt-get install librsvg2-2 - plus changes in common settings. SVG still not rendered.
  • updating main mediawiki installation to r59214 - identical with en.wikipedia now.


  • testwiki/staging SVN-update to newest en.wikipedia version r59214 - MultiUpload still does not work.
  • Detected that on Naturwiki LocalSettings.php has $wgDefaultSkin = 'monobook'; which works for most pages, but NOT for http://www.species-id.net/naturwiki/Hauptseite for non-logged in users. The source was in the cache - someone must have tested K2N-skin in the settings and this was permeated in the page cache.
  • Disabled some undesirable skins in CommonSettings.php (no longer user-selectable, to reduce possible confusion)
  • Changed Naturwiki to Vector skin - trial! - --Gregor Hagedorn 22:40, 24 November 2009 (CET)


  • Image zooming (based on URL-based thumb generation acts strangely, probably all the time since 2009-10-16.


  • Caching problems for anonymous users served directly out of the cache. Strangely, only main page seems to be affected. Removed main page from cache. Normally, $wgCacheEpoch should handle updates after changing CommonsSettings...
  • MultiUpload extension is broken, changing temporarily to single upload (Common Setting URL redirection, menu of openmedia; revert when MultiUpload works again).


  • Upgraded Mediawiki to newest version (r57940). Problems with the new JS2 system detect, preliminary using jquery instead of $ or $j in scripts.