Upgrades and Changes
From Biowikifarm Metawiki
Revision as of 18:18, 25 November 2009 by Gregor Hagedorn (Talk | contribs)
- trying to install svg support: > apt-get install librsvg2-2 - plus changes in common settings. SVG still not rendered.
- updating main mediawiki installation to r59214 - identical with en.wikipedia now.
- testwiki/staging SVN-update to newest en.wikipedia version r59214 - MultiUpload still does not work.
- Detected that on Naturwiki LocalSettings.php has $wgDefaultSkin = 'monobook'; which works for most pages, but NOT for http://www.species-id.net/naturwiki/Hauptseite for non-logged in users. The source was in the cache - someone must have tested K2N-skin in the settings and this was permeated in the page cache.
- Disabled some undesirable skins in CommonSettings.php (no longer user-selectable, to reduce possible confusion)
- Changed Naturwiki to Vector skin - trial! - --Gregor Hagedorn 22:40, 24 November 2009 (CET)
- Image zooming (based on URL-based thumb generation acts strangely, probably all the time since 2009-10-16.
- Caching problems for anonymous users served directly out of the cache. Strangely, only main page seems to be affected. Removed main page from cache. Normally, $wgCacheEpoch should handle updates after changing CommonsSettings...
- MultiUpload extension is broken, changing temporarily to single upload (Common Setting URL redirection, menu of openmedia; revert when MultiUpload works again).
- Upgraded Mediawiki to newest version (r57940). Problems with the new JS2 system detect, preliminary using jquery instead of $ or $j in scripts.