Semantic Result Formats

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Revision as of 10:30, 27 June 2011 by FedoraRobot (Talk | contribs) (Installation)

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The Semantic Result Formats extension is used in combination with the Semantic Mediawiki (SemanticMW) extension and requires prior installation of SemanticMW. It provides useful features for displaying semantic data in predefined formats, for instance graphical presentations. For a detailed description of Semantic Result Formats see the corresponding MediaWiki extensions. For an example of displaying semantic data as charts see the following page in the Semantic Web. Some features of this extension require special settings, e.g. for the 'google pie' and 'google chart' formats.


  • Ensure the Semantic MediaWiki extension has been already installed successfully.
  • Ensure the extension Semantic Result Formats is enabled as described in Mediawiki installation.
  • Add the following line to the LocalSettings.php file for your wiki:
  • For some formats you need to add additional lines to the LocalSettings.php file, e.g.
$srfgFormats[] = 'googlebar';
  • Verify that Semantic Result Formats has been installed successfully by calling up the page Special:Version.

Currently, Semantic Result Formats is installed on testwiki2 with parameters:

$srfgFormats[] = 'process';
$srfgFormats[] = 'graph';
$srfgFormats[] = 'googlebar';
$srfgFormats[] = 'googlepie';
$srfgFormats[] = 'exhibit';
$srfgFormats[] = 'outline';

Privacy notice

It should be noted that features like Google chart and Google pie send the data to Google to produce the graphs. This means the data are distributed publicly.

Guidelines and examples

See the respective help section.