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GiselaWeber (Talk | contribs) (Created page with 'The documentation for Gsearch installation comes included in the genericsearch-2.1.1.zip archive. The steps for Gsearch installation are as following: 1. Download Generic Search...') |
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Revision as of 13:56, 19 January 2010
The documentation for Gsearch installation comes included in the genericsearch-2.1.1.zip archive. The steps for Gsearch installation are as following:
1. Download Generic Search Service 2.1.1. from:
and unpack;
2. Download apache-ant-1.7.1.-bin.zip from: http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi
3. Unpack ant-1.7.1. and setup the environment variable for ant:
ANT_HOME=<path on your computer where Ant was unpacked>
4. On Windows, restart the computer.
5. Deploy fedoragsearch.war to the webapps directory of your web server, e. g. the tomcat supplied with Fedora, or similar.
6. Edit the property values in the configvalues.xml file in
.../webapps/<WEBAPPNAME>/ (where <WEBAPPNAME> by default is 'fedoragsearch'):
- Set the property values for your environment (server address, port)
- Select the default configuration in configDefault.
... <property name="soap.deploy.hostport" value="your_server_address:your_port" /> <property name="soap.deploy.user" value="fedoraAdmin" /> <property name="soap.deploy.pass" value="password" /> ...
<target name=”prepForWebServer”>
<property name=”webserver.path” location=”your CATALINA_HOME”/>
<target name=”configBasic” description =”set values for configBasic”>
<property name="basic.repos.1.fedorasoap" value="http://HOSTPORT" /> <property name="basic.repos.1.fedorauser" value="fedoraAdmin" /> <property name="basic.repos.1.fedorapass" value="password" />
Repeat this previous step for Lucene, Solr and Zebra demo configuration, if using those for test purpose.
- Save this edited file outside of the web server.
- Run target configOnWebServer after deployment from command line:
>ant -f configvalues.xml configOnWebServer
This will set your values into fedoragsearch.properties, repository.properties, and index.properties. Read these files to make sure they are correct.
7. Restart Tomcat
8. Call http://<HOSTPORT>/<WEBAPPNAME>/rest
9. Check and edit the file: fedoragsearch.properties from:
.../webapps/<WEBAPPNAME>/WEB-INF/classes/config/ and: .../webapps/<WEBAPPNAME>/WEB-INF/classes/configBasic/
10. Check and edit the file: index.properties from:
.../webapps/<WEBAPPNAME>/WEB-INF/classes/config/index/BasicIndex and: .../webapps/<WEBAPPNAME>/WEB-INF/classes/configBasic/index/BasicIndex
11. Tailor the Lucene indexing stylesheet for your own purpose by editing a renamed copy of the demo xslt stylesheet in:
.../webapps/<WEBAPPNAME>/WEB-INF/classes/config/rest/ and: .../webapps/<WEBAPPNAME>/WEB-INF/classes/configBasic/rest/
12.Restart Tomcat and call http://<HOSTPORT>/<WEBAPPNAME>/rest