Difference between revisions of "Upgrades and Changes"

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(2020-11-12: new section)
(38 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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== 2017-10-26 ==
== 2013-12-14 ==
Entire Biowikfarm now runs on at least MW 1.26.2 [[User:Andreas Plank|Andreas Plank]] ([[User talk:Andreas Plank|talk]]) 22:32, 26 October 2017 (CEST)
According to [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Installing_MediaWiki#Installation_continued MediaWiki documentation on privilege rights to the wikiuser]  index, create, select, insert, update, delete, alter, lock tables should be set. But running the rebuildall.php maintenance script brings up the error DROP command denied to user 'wikiuser' for table 'smw_new'. So DROP must be activated for the wiki user to run the rebuildall.php script. Should be checked in phpmydamin if semantic mediawiki extensions are activated. --[[User:Andreas Plank|Andreas Plank]] ([[User talk:Andreas Plank|talk]]) 11:17, 14 December 2013 (CET)
== 2017-11-12 ==
: [http://semantic-mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Help:Installation&oldid=31636#General_Notes Help:Installation General Notes for SMW] states:<br/>“For installation and upgrade, SMW needs the rights to create new tables (CREATE) and to alter tables (ALTER TABLE). You can remove both rights after SMW is set up. The script SMW_setup.php can use the DB credentials from AdminSettings.php for this purpose, avoiding the need of extra rights for the wiki DB user.”
:: Not sure whether table rights can stripped of the extended table rights or not. Running maintenance sudo rebuildall.php seems to need extended rights for SMW. --[[User:Andreas Plank|Andreas Plank]] ([[User talk:Andreas Plank|talk]]) 15:26, 8 January 2014 (CET)
== 2013-12-16 ==
New Wiki https://biowikifarm.net/wikibase/ for experimenting with properties covering multiple Wikis at once --[[User:Andreas Plank|Andreas Plank]] ([[User talk:Andreas Plank|talk]]) 17:01, 16 November 2017 (CET)
Upgrade [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms Semantic Forms] to version 2.6 --[[User:Andreas Plank|Andreas Plank]] ([[User talk:Andreas Plank|talk]]) 22:36, 16 December 2013 (CET)
== 2017-12-30 ==
== 2013-12-23 ==
Between 14. and 29.12 the biowikifarm experienced a serious outage. No data were lost, but a sequence of suddenly increased usage (perhaps through bots), resulting in a necessity to optimize and update software. However, in turn, this lead to software compatibility problems which proved hard to solve for all current administrators. We are working on improving our procedures and available resources to avoid such problems in the future. Among other changes, php was updated to 5.6 and the database to MariaDB 10.2 in this period. -[[User:Gregor Hagedorn|Gregor Hagedorn]] ([[User talk:Gregor Hagedorn|talk]]) 01:06, 30 December 2017 (CET)
Falko Glöckler added WYSIWIG editor to MfN test wikis --[[User:WikiSysop|WikiSysop]] ([[User talk:WikiSysop|talk]]) 04:37, 24 December 2013 (CET)
== 2018-02-14 ==
== 2014-01-15 ==
Installed and activated https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CookieWarning . The extension was not yet installed for version 1.26, and manually added (this may be relevant on next upgrade!) Folders .../mediawiki26/extensions-rich-features/CookieWarning and .../mediawiki26/extensions-simple-features/CookieWarning were manually created and filled with separately downloaded code (version 1.30). --[[User:Gregor Hagedorn|Gregor Hagedorn]] ([[User talk:Gregor Hagedorn|talk]]) 01:37, 14 February 2018 (CET)
Both storage and dump partitions increased to 350 GB each, content moved from old to new partition in Xen. Xen full VM export made. --[[User:Gregor Hagedorn|Gregor Hagedorn]] ([[User talk:Gregor Hagedorn|talk]]) 02:31, 15 January 2014 (CET)
== 2018-12-19 ==
== 2014-04-28 ==
A new version of nodejs and parsoid have been installed, which makes it now possible to active the VisualEditor. The steps required to install nodejs and parsoid have been documented at [[Parsoid installation]] and here is [[Visual Editor|the guide to activate the Visual Editor in the individual wikis with different possible settings]]. This should make editing the wikis for regular users a lot easier.
--[[User:David Fichtmueller|David Fichtmueller]] ([[User talk:David Fichtmueller|talk]]) 16:08, 19 December 2018 (CET)
Added Wiki http://www.mod-co.net/ --[[User:Andreas Plank|Andreas Plank]] ([[User talk:Andreas Plank|talk]]) 14:33, 28 April 2014 (CEST)
== 2019-04-10 ==
== 2014-05-08==
Fix [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:UploadWizard|Extension:UploadWizard]] globally to have also soft dependency of [[mediawikiwiki:Extension:EventLogging|Extension:EventLogging]] for creating Campaigns it is necessary --[[User:Andreas Plank|Andreas Plank]] ([[User talk:Andreas Plank|talk]]) 12:58, 11 April 2019 (CEST)
Disabled global inclusion of  out of date Widgets extension in preparation for test of current '''[http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Widgets  Widgets Extension]'''. There is a '''[[Widgets_Discussion]]''' page for discussion of the update and its use. It would be particularly helpful if sysops of affected farm wikis would mention what page on which wiki are affected. If brief, that can be done on this page.  If not, please do so on '''[[Widgets_Discussion]]'''
<s>When the new extension is in place, this page will carry a notice --[[User:BobMorris|BobMorris]] ([[User talk:BobMorris|talk]]) 17:02, 8 May 2014 (CEST)</s> As of late on 8 May 2014 The Widgets extension is in place, but any wiki that wants to use it will have to enable it in its LocalSettings.  At some future time to be decided by Gregor, Widgets will become available to all wikis in the farm, and a notice applied in this page. --[[User:BobMorris|BobMorris]] ([[User talk:BobMorris|talk]]) 23:02, 11 May 2014 (CEST)
== 2019-07-10 ==
In mediawiki20/extensions renamed Widgets Widgets.2012 --[[User:BobMorris|BobMorris]] ([[User talk:BobMorris|talk]]) 17:45, 8 May 2014 (CEST)
Added extension Arrays to https://offene-naturfuehrer.de for the use to get large data unique --[[User:Andreas Plank|Andreas Plank]] ([[User talk:Andreas Plank|talk]]) 15:32, 10 July 2019 (CEST)
== 2014-05-11 ==
== 2019-11-13 ==
Fixed caching media. Adjusted path. --[[User:Andreas Plank|Andreas Plank]] ([[User talk:Andreas Plank|talk]]) 16:39, 11 May 2014 (CEST)
Added cron job for <code>runJobs.php</code> of wikis with the simple extensions setup and added <code>/etc/logrotate.d/wiki-runJobs</code> for those logfiles generated by the cronjob triggered script of <code>extensions/CommonsMediaCaching/runJobs_simple-extensions.sh</code>. (Hope it works) --[[User:Andreas Plank|Andreas Plank]] ([[User talk:Andreas Plank|talk]]) 13:36, 13 November 2019 (CET)
== 2014-05-13 ==
== 2019-12-16 ==
Fixed broken rsvg, maybe some libraryies were not up to date. Removed librsvg2-bin, updated package list installed it again librsvg2-bin. Works now. Still a problem https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45054 (a blank between option height -h400 is needed) is fixed in MW 1.21. Current fix is
Fix RDF export for [[Extension:XMLTransformation]] (eg. used on https://terms.tdwg.org): <code>xsltproc</code> does not parse external URLs (?any more?), so local temporary files are created to process and transform the XML. --[[User:Andreas Plank|Andreas Plank]] ([[User talk:Andreas Plank|talk]]) 14:10, 16 December 2019 (CET)
<syntaxhighlight lang="php">
$wgSVGConverters ['rsvg'] ='$path/rsvg -w $width -h $height $input $output';// BUG resolved after MW 1.21 https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45054
--[[User:Andreas Plank|Andreas Plank]] ([[User talk:Andreas Plank|talk]]) 18:23, 13 May 2014 (CEST)
== 2014-05-30 ==
== 2020-11-12 ==
Fixed missing cache directory (MWException) in OpenMedia and corrected symbolic links in following Wikis: all v-species, offene naturführer, studienstiftung, testwiki2, v-filteredpush, v-floramalesiana, v-fotoflora-bb, v-gbif-d, v-hypergarden, v-ibiosphere, v-ides, v-ispi, h = teachers handbook wiki, w = KeyToNature, v-lias (c = checklist, w= wiki), v-naturgucker/r, v-orowiki, v-phytomed, v-phytopathology, v-plantnet/terms/f, v-plantnet/uses/e, v-rosaceae, v-ukcounty, v-workbench, v-zsm
Currently there are issues with the email notifications, which also means that it is not easy for new users to register: (1) the emails to confirm the email address are not send out,(2) the notifications to the admins to confirm the accounts are not send and even if they know that people registered and approved the accounts manually, (3) the email with the temporary passwords are not send out as well, so the users can't log in. Issues 1 and 2 can be avoided by regularly checking Special:ConfirmAccounts of your wiki, but the third issue can be solved by logging into the server via SSH and then running:
--[[User:Andreas Plank|Andreas Plank]] ([[User talk:Andreas Plank|talk]]) 11:35, 30 May 2014 (CEST)
cd /var/www/metawiki/
php maintenance/changePassword.php --user=User\ Name --password=<insert temporary yet secure password here> --conf LocalSettings.php
== 2014-06-07 ==
You can then send the temporary password to the users manually and ask them to change it once they have logged in (not sure if this happens automatically)
Maybe this helps some of you. [[User:David Fichtmueller|David Fichtmueller]] ([[User talk:David Fichtmueller|talk]]) 15:16, 12 November 2020 (CET)
In the last week we had some problems as a result of incompatibility of the biowikifarm VM software and the virtualization host. The host has now been updated to Xen 6.2 with all patches. --[[User:Gregor Hagedorn|Gregor Hagedorn]] ([[User talk:Gregor Hagedorn|talk]]) 20:14, 7 June 2014 (CEST)
== 2014-06-11 ==
4 plantnet-project.org wikis fixed:
Michel Chauvet reported the 4 plantnet-project.org wikis not working. When accessing the site, the error message ''"Fatal exception of type MWException"'' appeared. After setting <code>$wgShowExceptionDetails = true;</code>, the error message stated ''"Unable to create the localisation store directory '/var/www/v-plantnet/uses/e/cache'"''. This problem was easily fixed by running
cd /var/www/v-plantnet/uses/e/
sudo mkdir cache && sudo chown www-data:www-data cache
and repeating it in the other wiki directories.
--[[User:David Fichtmueller|David Fichtmueller]] ([[User talk:David Fichtmueller|talk]])
== 2014-07-01 ==
added new wikis:
* [http://gfbio.biowikifarm.net/terms/Main_Page GFBio Terms Wiki]
* [http://terminology-sandbox.biowikifarm.net/wiki/Main_Page Terminology Sandbox Wiki] This wiki can be used by any BWF user to play around with the functionalities of SemanticMediaWiki without working on existing terminologies like on the TDWG Terms Wiki.
-- [[User:David Fichtmueller|David Fichtmueller]] ([[User talk:David Fichtmueller|talk]]) 10:40, 1 July 2014 (CEST)
== 2014-07-14 ==
After a crash some parts of the biowikifarm had to be recovered from backup. All database content is current to the last minute, media on our shared repositories (openmedia) are current to the last minute, but in some cases media uploaded to a local wiki between 2014-07-14 ca. 7:30 (last media backup) and ca. 18:00 may be missing. Similarly, the subversion repository was restored from the nightly backup, please report any errors you encounter. Our apologies for the service interruption! --[[User:Gregor Hagedorn|Gregor Hagedorn]] ([[User talk:Gregor Hagedorn|talk]]) 02:08, 15 July 2014 (CEST)
== 2014-07-23 ==
To improve long-term stability, a daily restart of nginx+php5-fpm was added to cron job (services-restart-php-nginx.sh) --[[User:Gregor Hagedorn|Gregor Hagedorn]] ([[User talk:Gregor Hagedorn|talk]]) 19:57, 23 July 2014 (CEST)
== 2014-07-25 ==
Changes for the Back-Ups:
I changed some of the backup scripts:
* '''All Wikis are now backed up automatically.''' Previously in order to back up a wiki it needed to be added to the corresponding file. This was forgotten when setting up some of the wikis in the recent past which is why some of the data was lost after the crash on 2014-07-14. Now all of the wikis within /var/www are backed up automatically with the possibility of blacklisting wikis that have a different backup strategy (e.g. practical plants). This makes setting up wikis easier and the backups more reliable.
* The logs of the backup process are now stored in /var/log/backups/ so it is possible to determine what when wrong if somethings goes wrong.
--[[User:David Fichtmueller|David Fichtmueller]] ([[User talk:David Fichtmueller|talk]]) 16:17, 25 July 2014 (CEST)
== 2014-08-07 ==
Upgrade Django 1.4.2 to 1.6.5 for http://artenquiz.de. Additional python modules: django-registration, django_pyodbc (MSSQL database connections) --[[User:Andreas Plank|Andreas Plank]] ([[User talk:Andreas Plank|talk]]) 23:10, 7 August 2014 (CEST)
== 2014-09-02 ==
In the past days days, I encountered the Gateway Timeout issue several days. Restarting nginx helped, but it is still strange that it is happening several times a day. As a quick fix, I changed /etc/crontab to run the nginx-restart script not only once a day, but 5 times (6:15, 9:15, 12:15, 15:15 and 18:15). We still need to find the cause of this problem. --[[User:David Fichtmueller|David Fichtmueller]] ([[User talk:David Fichtmueller|talk]]) 16:13, 2 September 2014 (CEST)
== 2014-09-28 ==
Added configuration for http//artenquiz.bayernflora.de using http://diversityworkbench.net/Portal/DiversityDescriptions_Quiz_%28Artenquiz%29 --[[User:Andreas Plank|Andreas Plank]] ([[User talk:Andreas Plank|talk]]) 14:05, 28 September 2014 (CEST)
== 2014-11-21 ==
I updated a file in the ConfirmAccounts extensions, so it now shows on the [[Special:ConfirmAccounts]] page, the wiki in which the user has applied for an account. Also for the account requests that have been put on hold or rejected it shows the comment that was send to the user (if there is one). --[[User:David Fichtmueller|David Fichtmueller]] ([[User talk:David Fichtmueller|talk]]) 17:30, 21 November 2014 (CET)
== 2014-11-23 ==
* Disabled the backup connection with the Bulgarian Key to Nature server as no longer required (BGBM backup working for 2 years now) --20:13, 23 November 2014 (CET)
* 2014-11-28: (Alvaro) Checked if backups are still stored correctly in /var/backups (everything OK).
== 2014-11-24 ==
Running all apt-get updates, esp. updating php5. The latter required temporarily disabling the debian sources and relying only on dotdeb sources (else updates held back because versions got mixed). All sources re-enabled afterwards. --[[User:Gregor Hagedorn|Gregor Hagedorn]] ([[User talk:Gregor Hagedorn|talk]]) 02:05, 26 November 2014 (CET)

Latest revision as of 15:16, 12 November 2020

This page documents changes in the installed software on the biowikifarm (new software, new version, new configuration, etc.), including notes on known problems. Upgrades and Changes from 2010 and 2011 are no longer shown and available through the page history. Older changes are occasionally archived


Entire Biowikfarm now runs on at least MW 1.26.2 Andreas Plank (talk) 22:32, 26 October 2017 (CEST)


New Wiki https://biowikifarm.net/wikibase/ for experimenting with properties covering multiple Wikis at once --Andreas Plank (talk) 17:01, 16 November 2017 (CET)


Between 14. and 29.12 the biowikifarm experienced a serious outage. No data were lost, but a sequence of suddenly increased usage (perhaps through bots), resulting in a necessity to optimize and update software. However, in turn, this lead to software compatibility problems which proved hard to solve for all current administrators. We are working on improving our procedures and available resources to avoid such problems in the future. Among other changes, php was updated to 5.6 and the database to MariaDB 10.2 in this period. -Gregor Hagedorn (talk) 01:06, 30 December 2017 (CET)


Installed and activated https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CookieWarning . The extension was not yet installed for version 1.26, and manually added (this may be relevant on next upgrade!) Folders .../mediawiki26/extensions-rich-features/CookieWarning and .../mediawiki26/extensions-simple-features/CookieWarning were manually created and filled with separately downloaded code (version 1.30). --Gregor Hagedorn (talk) 01:37, 14 February 2018 (CET)


A new version of nodejs and parsoid have been installed, which makes it now possible to active the VisualEditor. The steps required to install nodejs and parsoid have been documented at Parsoid installation and here is the guide to activate the Visual Editor in the individual wikis with different possible settings. This should make editing the wikis for regular users a lot easier. --David Fichtmueller (talk) 16:08, 19 December 2018 (CET)


Fix Extension:UploadWizard globally to have also soft dependency of Extension:EventLogging for creating Campaigns it is necessary --Andreas Plank (talk) 12:58, 11 April 2019 (CEST)


Added extension Arrays to https://offene-naturfuehrer.de for the use to get large data unique --Andreas Plank (talk) 15:32, 10 July 2019 (CEST)


Added cron job for runJobs.php of wikis with the simple extensions setup and added /etc/logrotate.d/wiki-runJobs for those logfiles generated by the cronjob triggered script of extensions/CommonsMediaCaching/runJobs_simple-extensions.sh. (Hope it works) --Andreas Plank (talk) 13:36, 13 November 2019 (CET)


Fix RDF export for Extension:XMLTransformation (eg. used on https://terms.tdwg.org): xsltproc does not parse external URLs (?any more?), so local temporary files are created to process and transform the XML. --Andreas Plank (talk) 14:10, 16 December 2019 (CET)


Currently there are issues with the email notifications, which also means that it is not easy for new users to register: (1) the emails to confirm the email address are not send out,(2) the notifications to the admins to confirm the accounts are not send and even if they know that people registered and approved the accounts manually, (3) the email with the temporary passwords are not send out as well, so the users can't log in. Issues 1 and 2 can be avoided by regularly checking Special:ConfirmAccounts of your wiki, but the third issue can be solved by logging into the server via SSH and then running:

cd /var/www/metawiki/
php maintenance/changePassword.php --user=User\ Name --password=<insert temporary yet secure password here> --conf LocalSettings.php

You can then send the temporary password to the users manually and ask them to change it once they have logged in (not sure if this happens automatically) Maybe this helps some of you. David Fichtmueller (talk) 15:16, 12 November 2020 (CET)