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This category has been created to test and demonstrate the SemanticMW extension. It contains a few data on some European countries. For more information on these countries see the respective Wikipedia pages:

The following table has been automatically generated by SemanticMW. You can sort the countries in different ways by clicking on the small boxes at the beginning of the column headers. E.g. clicking on the box in front of "height" will sort the countries by the height of their highest mountain in ascending order, clicking on height again will revers this to a descending order:

 capitalland area (1000 km²)population (millions)highest mountainheight (m above SL)
CyprusNicosia9.30.8Mount Olympus1952
FranceParis54465.4Mont Blanc4808
ItalyRome30160.2Mont Blanc4808
SwitzerlandBern41.37.8Monte Rosa4634
United KingdomLondon24362Ben Nevis1343
The part "|country" of the query was not understood. Results might not be as expected.

Pages in category "Countries"

The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.