Audio conversion (mp3 to ogg)
From Biowikifarm Metawiki
Usually ffmpeg takes care of the right library to use for conversion and the following should work:
ffmpeg -i file.mp3 file.ogg
However there exist different version. On version 0.8.17-6 does not convert properly.
ffmpeg -version
# ffmpeg version 0.8.17-6:0.8.17-1, Copyright (c) 2000-2014 the Libav developers
You have to specify the properties in detail to get a functioning ogg-audio file:
ffmpeg -i file.mp3 -acodec libvorbis file.ogg # use libvorbis to convert
ffmpeg -i file.mp3 -y -acodec libvorbis file.ogg # -y add overwrite mode
ffmpeg -i file.mp3 -y -qscale:a 8 -acodec libvorbis file.ogg # -qscale:a add quality setting (range: poor 1-10 best)
# use a loop to convert multiple mp3
# ffmpeg version 0.8.17-6:0.8.17-1, Copyright (c) 2000-2014 the Libav developers
# -y overwrite, -acodec audio codec, -qscale:a quality scale for audio
for mp3 in *.mp3;
do ffmpeg -i "${mp3%.*}.mp3"
-y \
-acodec libvorbis \
-qscale:a 8 \
See also Selected Linux commands for finding files.
Information about audio file
When an ogg file is converted to flac
it does not play natively in Firefox it should be converted using above libvorbis. So the following gets information on the audio file:
ffprobe "Corvus_brachyrhynchos_call.ogg" 2>&1 | grep --ignore-case 'Stream.*audio' # Stream #0:0: Audio: flac, 22050 Hz, mono, s16